Managing Expectations through Peer-to-Peer Support

Managing Expectations through Peer-Led Video Calls

Pre-departure Calls in Basque Country, Spain

After their pilot programme, Asociación Loiolaetxea Elkartea in Spain recognised the importance of providing more information to refugees before they arrived, in order to manage expectations and allay concerns.

They have now introduced pre-departure video calls before the families fly to Spain. They invited some of the people who were welcomed through the pilot programme to share their experiences and answer questions. They worked closely with the speakers to ensure they were well prepared:

"The six families we are sponsoring arrived to the Basque Country on 6th May 2022. A couple of days before their arrival we had the opportunity to have a pre-departure videocall with them.

One of the people was the father of a family that had participated in the programme before. The new families could meet him on the call and they were able to share some questions and answers. Based on our experience it is important to prepare this meeting in advance with all the parties.

Even if it would be nice that families have more information about the program before the departure this still was a great opportunity to introduce the program and some of the people they were going to meet at the airport in Madrid.

Families were also able to go in front of the camera and introduce themselves

We find that it is a good practice that families can know more about the programme and they are able at least to meet those people that will be welcoming them at the airport." - Inés Vicente Barbero, Asociación Loiolaetxea Elkartea

Video-Conference in France

As mentioned in the previous module, one of the outcomes from FEP's Participation project was to provide more support for newcomers. People who resettled through the programme have designed a video-conference, which they deliver 2 months after each new arrival. This allows newcomers to discuss and exchange with other people who have gone through the same experience and who have enough distance to explain and answer questions and fears. The feedback from the people who participated in these video conferences was very positive.

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